>>93467851> my rrat is still on the idea that there's an en only manager that just favors the clique but just pure powertripping prick instead of just the clique acting alone, i'd go on but my blood would start boiling again so not now >>93467097she literally would've been tailormade accurate as Chaos unless Holo defangs her too much
though in hindsight if we knew Sana was going to leave early, having Bae as the more 'relatively' level-headed Space while ChaosDoki, Moomers and the Goomba start causing havoc would've been hilarous
>>93467429Iunno about Sayu, she doesn't fit the Chaos thing too much, maybe fits the Space part more? though the trade off is sad cause no Pomu, considering Holo's magic i could also see her hitting off with someone who super similar to her as Baqua
Dorks who are good at FPS especially Apex but nervous wrecks under pressure + glass cannons squishies IRL? it would've been so fucking funny
Botan with ChaosDoki would also be a ruthless pair too as the dream FPS duo, with Botan being the stable Rock while ChaosDoki as the more Chaos Wild Card
>>93477212 my cycle is the Pettan Necromancer(100% dedication until the start of Russia-Ukraine War), Priestess, Hat, and fnially the Apex Predator so far it seems that on odd choices it's a curse but on even choices it'll be awesome
so basically i shouldn't get into Oshiiying Minto or Raora for no curse to fuck them in the ass>>93473127>>93477435Doki was totally not projecting when describing Mila btw
>Smartass who folds instantly when flustered