>>51895790Balsa: Chapter Ten
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR6p6cBuhSHUKo79qpPhO8GIS7KhK-E4R24fl-GXHjcS96HmoQoCiED_scVZj-_b3o_rCE9vNAqBuf4/pubThis one is admittedly a bit shorter, but I think the content justifies the slightly lessened length. It's a lot packed into a little. I hope you enjoy, even if this ones just 15 pages.
>>51980905Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Glad to see I'm improving as well. I think my pace is owed to the fact that I usually make it a point to consume some sort of media beforehand and that gets my inspiration flowing.