>>17040504>Also have you considered that things you mention are not in the contract?I dont know what their contract is, but if they cant talk collab with others without approval then you can assume it's part of contract.
And them being lefties dont matter to me as long as they dont show it or being retarded about it.
>>17040539>Who's making these "rules," you?The company, the employers, those who has money.
>certain preferenceIts not a preference, it's how it is since the day one, you cant expect two people from rival companies to have an open chit chat, it's common sense.
>Vtubers have genres just like anime or mangaOkay now you just being retarded, vtubers arent genres...they are streamers with defined audiences for whom they are being created for, if you dont like it you can literally fuck off elsewhere, its that simple.
>There shouldn't be only a single genre because then nothing new and interesting can happen.Nobody cares what you want pal, there's audiences for it and they pay money, it's real simple.