>>82338822>(August 28th, 2024) Minato Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ [3D GRADUATION CONCERT] >The stage is set. >Guests ready themselves to give aqua a proper sendoff. >Nikisei no kizuna... Glorious>UMISEA next. >Marine pours her heart out to her daughter and utterly fails to maintain her composure, sobbing into sakamata's support. >Gura addresses her oshi with a heartfelt message of her own. >Startend's turn. >Towa renounces her ways as an aqusui anti. All she ever wanted was for the trio to stay as they were forever, but it seems things wouldn't turn out as expected. >Suichan breaks down first followed by the other two. Haha, isn't this just like in Apex? >Some more guests, more performances. The clock is ticking down.>Final song starts.>Then, it ends.>The stage lights begin to dim>In her last appearance, Aqua is still. Eyes filled with melancholy until her farewell message covers the screen. >>>But it doesn't.>Aqua blinks in confusion. >Suddenly, pekora bursts through the studio doors!!!!!1>Tears are streaming down her face as she screams WAIT PEKO I PEKO HAVE PEKO SOMETHING PEKO TO PEKO SAY PEKO! >Staff rush to shut off the camera, but just then covert aquacrew ops burn down the FAX machine room so they no longer have perms to shut off the camera!!>Pekora, who has gotten on stage with akutan says I DON'T WANT YOU TO GRADUATE peko!!!!>she begins sputtering how she hid her true feelings when they had that romantic dinner date together, thinking that it would have been wrong of her to voice them because they had only become friends for a short time. However, after months of introspection, and time spent bonding with Aqua, she slowly came to realize that their connection transcended such reservations. DON'T LEAVE HOLOLIVE PEKO. I WANT TO PLAY MORE GAMES WITH YOU PEKO!!!!!!>Aqua was flustered and stunned upon hearing her dear friend's words. However, seeing such conviction only reminded her of her own, and her face hardened. >sluuuuuuuuurp PEKOLA, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD IT IN YOU.... sluuurrp BUT IT'Sluuuurp TOO LATE NOW. I'VE RESlurpRESOLVED TO BECOME LIKE KIRITO, THE LONE WOLF I WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE...>BUT... WHAT IS A KIRITO PEKO, WITHOUT HIS ASUNA...? >tense pause>Before aqua could open her mouth to speak, she found the lush feeling of her good friend's lips pressing against her. Betraying herself, she found herself savoring the rabbit's tender meat on her own, like how kirito savored Asuna's S-rank rabbit stew. >They pressed their lips together a moment, both girls sensing a teasing uncertainty with who should make the next move-- should there be a next move. Leaving it unanswered, they separated, both panting heavily in spite of the low intensity.
>PEKOLA huff sluuurp huff EVEN IF I STAYED I'M OVERBURDENED WITH MY IDOL REPS--->Pekola pulled her in again, making the next move. AQUTAN peko I HAVE ALREADY THOUGHT OF THAT. WE WILL HAVE SEX PEKO.!!!>W-WHAt!?>They then proceeded to have sloppy makeout inexperienced awkward lesbian sex in front of the audience of 100 billion people watching the graduation stream.>Yagoo got aids and died.>A-Chan went into labor(yeah, with me) and she returned as CEO of hololive.THE END
I'm sorry I drank like all of my beer and warched a lot of gigi and wanted to do something to not feel depressed