CyberLive Official links schedule:
Kaneko Lumi:
>The queen of /vst/, get your weekly strat game fix from her. ARPG focus, especially Souls. Great at chat interaction. Good singing voice. Has already married your oshi. Utano Pandora:
>Brit living in Japan. Most idol-like of the group. Bilingual EN/JP. JRPGfag. Savior fuel. Yuri:
>Cute (and also funny) cat (barks like a dog) (laughs like a seagull). FPS main but will play anything. Likes guns. Paranormal enthusiast. Lives in your walls. Hylo:
>Variety. Godlike vocal range. Boomer humor. Chaotic energy. Momozora Seina:
>Speaks EN/ES. Variety, good at rhythm games. Will call you a pig. Yoki:
>Can draw and sing, easily bullyable. Rhythm game fanatic. Emma:
>Peak dom. Peak sub. Massive SEA appeal. Interactive RPG with chat at the end of her streams. Menace:
>La creatividad de Cyberlive. Cute autism noises. Gosling magnet with a propensity to stalk them. Occasional ASMR. Inori:
>Zoomer dork trying to pass as an onee-san. Great singer. Actual ASMR. Decent gamer. Usually Euro friendly hours. Iekushi Chapipi:
>Large variety in singing repertoire, including opera. Mesugaki. Great voice actor, including male voices. Euro prime time streams.
Upcoming Events:
Reminder to post notable events as a reply to the OP to have them added to the next OPs ahead of their date.
Cyber Friends:
>>>/vt/pcg/ (/pcclg/ UNITY)
>>>/vt/tsunChris - - - Jelly - Paradisia - Peari - thread: