>>86967387Chillest motherfucker you'll ever meet, loves to play pranks on others every now and then, extremely competent allrounder at videogames, prefers rpg, puzzle and slower paced games. Beat factorio on stream, default settings, and loved it
Genuine tomboy and a lecher that also loves some playful sekkuhara on her friends, oppai enthusiast, currently in a little sister mood
Good singer, but not a heavy hitter like suisei or azki, hits some really nice lower voice but she prefers a cuter higher pitched tone, does some very good ASMR, but she's holding back lately since youtube's been an absolute schizo about ASMR and smitten channels out of the blue for both spicy and tame stuff alike, because pajeet algo
All the people that meet her comment on how she praises them a lot, and she really appreciates her fanbase
Her first song is a mind virus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6P_m6adkgc&pp=ygUPbW9ndSBtb2d1IHl1bW15 , that still haunts some of the other holomems every now and then
Made a full album
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tiwavj3AKKA&list=OLAK5uy_lLhcxriQ2RZFCfo-VjgpXloq6hbg3UtJ8 , and does song covers every month, with certain some predilection towards vocaloid stuff and edgy lyrics, and also had her own 3D live that filled a stadium
She's a good girl