>>4145116Anon, a lot of the people here can barely have normal human interactions, much less >just get a SO.
Vtubers give these people the ability to not only assimilate into a crowd, interacting with chuubas through the collective and not having to actually use their non-existent social skills but also the chuubas themselves are the idealized version of a real person, not only physically attractive with cute affectations but they play the persona of someone that truly cares about (you) and offers the benefits of an emotional relationship. The most manipulative chuubas also load some emotional baggage onto the fans so they feel some sort-of mutual responsibility to take care of (and send money to) the chuubas. Thankfully, Hololive doesn't have these but of course, the anons themselves create rrats to fulfil this niche.
That's what the "GFE" is truly about, it's not even really about a "girlfriend experience." This is why the worst thing a chuuba could do is let it slip that her persona is just a mask, shattering this carefully cultivated relationship. It's also not something that can be replaced by getting an actual SO, it's something unique and "purer". Pure as in concentrated, not necessarily better.
There was a thread on /lit/ several months ago where some anons were discussing this if you want to find that.