This damn samegaki keeps being put behind the controls and wants access to torture facilities just so she can get moisturized causing the most amount of pain to people who don't really deserve it at all. Imagine getting on the bad side of this shark, you'd have to deal with her bullying as well as the weight of Chumbuds as they come rolling in to crush you with their girth. She also still should not be in charge of playing the trade market, she'll just blow it all and go back to the life of crime with her heists. It's an unhealty lifestyle! for another dungeon run with Noel! This time she's helping all those freaky fish people with the cute fish princess that isn't Gura. This dungeon will test her mettle and mental strength so it's a good time to tune in if you haven't already been watching. has hopped on over to Subaru's house and is practically coaching and laughing at Subaru's attempt at completing ojisan's favorite Super Mario game, Super Mario 64. Go Subaru Go, make the SM64 speedrunner you're hanging around with proud! and her Dragon Quest Monster stream is still going and it's still comfy and cute as usual. She's got an impressive line up of monsters too, sporting a Dragon, Slime Knight and Dracoslime, making it a pretty balanced team. If you need some cute, comfy gaming this is the one to tune in to. you need something not as retro as DQM, then it's a good thing you can tune into Miko's stream because she's playing, adventuring and running around with a team of monsters in Dragon Quest IV! Just like Koyori, Miko's stream is filled with good vibes and cute Miko noises. your tastes require something even more recent then you've got Pekora in this corner playing one of the best games in the series, Dragon Quest 8! She's just slapping all the monsters who dare to step up to her when she's trying to explore the lands and save the world from the Dark forces. has finally obtained his White Album Sneasel buddy and can now scale up and down massive cliffs with the claw climbing ability, further giving him more power than he already wields with his stronger than usual Pokemon. less than 5 minutes, who would have guessed that Meimei would be holding another late in the night Unarchived Karaoke session that will probably last 3 hours going way into the night and depriving anyone of sleep? Everyone that's who, especially Hoomans who have already given up on their humanity and sleep reps. Well she's a fantastic singer and super cute so she's allowed to get away with it scot free, plus it's a sorta pseudo ASMR karaoke session since she doesn't want to wake her neighbors up. less than 20 minutes, add another person to the Legends counter because we've got our Winning Son over here ready to take on the dangerous world of Hisui. It'll be very interesting to see which starter he'll pick (it will probably be Cyndaquil.) Give him a watch if you're not Pokemon'd out, his Pokemon streams are always super funny.