>>68095634I was trying to do you a solid by not completely destroying your argument in one single post, because I already know the numbers, and they're on my side, and always will be. But, since you're such a gigantic masochist, I guess I'll give you what you want.
We'll use the top 11, since FMWC are an outlier with their birthday having massively buffed their numbers (which, will still only help prove my point in a bit here). Of the top 11 earners in the last month, the only four (4) are "unicorn friendly" —who have not collabed with males or are without drama from you cucks— common sense dictates that no audience will ever be comprised of 100% unicucks, so even being generous and saying they make up 60% of some of the major audiences, when only 36% (rounded down) of the top earners are "unicorn friendly" you're already completely out numbered from the get-go, then you consider that normal, non-brain-broken viewers exist and make up a large portion of the community those numbers get added to the pool for the "non-unicorn friendly" members, you unicucks are completely mogged in every statistic.
Total Unicuck Death.