I didn't tell you,
this coin has two heads.
Does that mean both?
Nah, go again!
Fuck your pet,
double -
or nothing,
Triple down!
("No, stop!") Edge again.
Seems as though god wants us both dead.
It was then I realized:
the answer is fiction!
Still don't believe?
Too late for that now.
No, that's not what I meant:
She's a time traveling bookworm leaving clues.
Science fiction fantasy disease,
infecting us with words from other worlds.
Heinlein's Harsh Mistress, Zelazny's Creatures of Light,
Scott Card's Buggers, Ender, Earthbound Mother, Riddley Walker, Protomolecule.
Asimov's sex robots, Random in Amber paintings, Alien,
Halliday's game you've been playing.
Ghost in the Shell,
dragon from hell,
the one ring,
girl in the well,
speaks through pictures,
puts you under a spell.
I'm still seeing stars -
from the last punch she threw.
Knockout, one-two!
Three -
fuck you!
Thought creature,
Chameleon, Earth's biggest threat,
(so far), big, bad, ugly, god of the dead,
Monster 0, Ouroboros, a comedian.
What did she say?
They're all pigeons,
fluttering lashes. This one's a duck,
you shot but missed him.
Hey you're cute,
ever been on a date?
Buyer beware,
this one isn't right.
Evil - the cosmic test result said.
I'll match you... With the devil! Eyelash demon.
Blink and you'll miss her, blink twice and you're dead.
A stochastic rhythm game played on eyelids.
Just a joke! I'm kidding.
A prank, she's a ghost! Wink.
Barcodes that play on your scanners,
flashed in by lasers,
propaganda weapon,
pornographic bomb, you get the gist:
cosmic cryptographic spy telephone jizz. Don't blink!
Assassin about to cave your head in,
with phantom power IQ drain,
weapon designed -
to blow your brains out!
Mind flayed.
As for me,
unlike my opponent,
I was already human-alien computer component.
So with a kiss, we both drank the poison and on went the night.