>>94345896>Your premise that animals are soulless and there is nothing wrong with inflicting suffering on them contradicts what the Bible says, as explained by >>94345052 (You) #>(You)>Do you have any rebuttal?It assumes God cares about animals as much as people do and talks about animal suffering for no reason and uses that as evidence for God being incompetent when animal suffering is to be blamed on people
>That's what it says, but then it contradicts itself by describing how godless people successfully practise sorcery, divination, and other feats thanks to the divinity of other godsNot a contradiction? The spiritual realm includes demons, that's why we believe divination is demonic when not done through God by prophecy
King saul even gets called out for using divination instead of going to God
>nothing happens without God willing it. Therefore, everything that happens is ultimately God's faultWhat happened to free will? Actions have consequences
God limited His control and power by giving us a free moral agent
>>94346081The meaning of life is to get to know God(Jesus Christ) so that you may enter the kingdom of God and be reunited with Him in pre-fall like conditions, where now satan not be a variable
The meaning of the parable is that a rich man will have it hard to enter heaven because they will have to give up their wealth for it. The eye of the needle was the name of a small gate and camels would usually be used to carry things for distances, the meaning is that the camel can only pass through the narrow gate by taking the baggage off first
Hope this helps