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Nina finally made it to another one of your threads. Great job on streaming by the way. I watch your vods on ninarchive. I was actually watching your old vods that were getting uploaded, I saw the FTL part 1 vod, man you sound so different. I think in a good way you sound different today.
In your old vod your voice is calmer and I would even say gentler. Not that you're not gentle or calm today, which you are, but you were more reserved I feel like. You've got more energy today, I can you settled into streaming, theres far more confidence in your voice these days, which is a good thing i'm very happy for you nina good job! That being said I do enjoy your voice from those older vods, its a different energy. I appreciate that calm gentle energy, mainly I because I dont have a lot of that. Men are drawn to the energy of women, and women are drawn to the energy of men. It is what it is you know.
>ash wednesday
You're definately going right? I know you will, atta girl. I'm going too. Are you streaming that day? Maybe your avatar can wear the ash wednesday cross that day thatd be super cool. I would appreciate it a lot. Every vtuber has bangs though so I dont know if it's possible. Either way you're doing a great job Nina keep it up! Btw I really like your outfit from those old vods its nice. I like your current one too but the old one is more irl realistic