>>83416093>>83416897Thing about IT is, we oversee for the WHOLE company, not just the end user. There are things we need to consider that the individual doesn't have to. They don't know what they don't know.
Let's say this guy wants to add a printer to his computer. Fair enough, most idiots can do that right? So he does it himself somehow. Except all he cares about is being able to print from his computer. He isn't thinking about everyone else. Maybe he just bypasses the network completely and goes for a local hardline using some shit cable he had lying around in his house because he's a "tech guy" himself. Now we have a company printer that only is used for one computer and nobody knows where it is because the end user didn't bother telling anyone about it. Maybe he accidentally links his printer to the network but names it incorrectly or doesn't think about the name at all so a bunch of jobs get sent to "his" printer and he's wondering who is printing this shit to "his" printer and meanwhile people on a completely different floor are looking for their documents. In any serious company, there needs to be a degree of uniformity so things run smoothly,