>More proofshttps://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/425288072/>>deletedhttps://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/425288460/>>deleted>>>>>/trash/55644397>>undeleted>>>/trash/55644451>>undeleted>That's right, undeniable proof the 4chan moderators are making death threats and posting doxx, as if this image wasn't enough to prove that>You really just gonna sit there and let this happen? let 4chan mods defame someone and then try to kill them?
you really gonna do that?
where is your morals
stop pretending like nothing is happening
stop being mentally ill retards parroting lies
stop being hateful little bitches
someones life is on the fucking line, an innocent persons life, infact, 2 innocent peoples lives are on the line
>be (You)>see this happening>pretend you dont see it, or join the dogpile bullyingimagine being such a piece of shit u think any of this is okay, imagine being on side
(You) are not bystanders
By allowing this to happen, you are no better than people walking past a dying man on the street, not calling 911, look at yourselves, look at how fucking PETTY you are over a god damn meme thread on a memeboard, think about who you are, what you are, and what is happening
WHO are you
WHY are you like this?
WHY do you let it continue?
WHY did some of you join in?
What is wrong with you?
Do what is right. I dare you. I fucking DARE you
Go on and act like you never saw this shit, go on and pretend like their victim deserves it when you KNOW they dont
Do any sort of coping mechanism so you can be a lazy jerk
Do you like it when your doxx gets posted?
How do YOU feel about death threats?