>>78079645Mfs see a creature with crest broken, claws chipped off, no tail end and limping away whimpering for its life and go ‘man I wish I could see the monster health’ ‘Hunting Horn is no longer like Rise’ combined with ‘They’re making you sit through story shit before you can play w your friends’ It’s a matter of preference but I liked the more deliberate things like not being able to walk while healing, sharpening during unsafe moments not meaning you can roll away, people don’t talk about the simplified armor system or that monster hitbozes are now more vertical than- gives me feelings of we’re so back/it’s over that make me feel empathetic towards people with BPD
The focus on each hunt alone is no longer single target monster oriented either. You’re going in w knowledge of someone who already played it plenty, keep that in mind. Between staying w hammer n not being sure of combine rate as that already ate too many materials