>>79310363umm hmm... lets say, yeah, sorta, the male equivalent in this hypothetical of having two penises (and 2 prostates) wouldn't constitute having two testicles, so you wouldn't have an extra pair of ovaries, but you would have an additional cervical canal connecting to the womb. it'd be pretty much functionally the same as the normal female reproductive system but it has an additional hole, you could take a string and put it in vagina 1 and thread it through the uterus and out through vagina 2. also even though it's basically penis i'd say you'd get another clitoris corresponding with vagina 2. vagina 2 would be distinct from vagina one though, because it wouldn't have a urethra or connect to the bladder. i know it's boring but it makes it easier to make the 2 penis option and the 2 vagina options homologous, both biologically (so neither give an outright reproductive advantage) and topologically (so you can take a string in vagina/penis 1 and thread it through and out of vagina/penis 2). having 1 penis and 1 vagina would be more complicated, i suppose you would need to have either both or neither of the rest of hte reproductive systems, i'm gonna go with both because that's cooler, even if its unbalanced