>got a manager to help with the ADHD>with brainstorming stream/vid ideas>they also have a big network of connections in the industry>cant name them yet but excited to talk about them in the future>they have already given me ideas i would have never had on my own>crazy what management can do for you when it's good!!>are you guys familiar with the term mediakit?>collection of assets you can sent to event organisers or brands to give them an idea of who you are, who your audience is, that kinda stuff>already have a couple places i might appear at for Meet & Greets, not official yet>the idea of a Furi website has been floated, that might happen too>ITS CRAZY what you can get done when you have people who know what they are doing>i can now go into the FINAL GOOD NEWS>my very last meeting of yesterday from 8PM to 11PM is the confirmation and PRODUCTION of FURI FERNTAIL MERCHANDISE>we spoke about this in the past how a normal youtuber vs a vtuber would do things very differently >this is not a dig at you guys it's a dig at myself, you know about my FWMC merch but you have not seen my ENSTARS shrine>IT WILL BE 2.0 DEBUT MERCH>it will be preorder only to not end up with a ton of stock >we have already negotiated shipping and it wont be insanely expensive for UK/EU shipping at the cost of a smaller cut for me we are looking at about $8 shipping instead of $40>im just trying to break even>do you guys want to know what the 8 pieces of merch will be? do you want it to be a surprise?>you guys probably do know this about me, i love idol culture and do a lot of oshikatsu in my real life>that's having an item or an outfit representing a character or person with you and maybe taking pictures you go around visiting places>it's a way to express your love for fav character>one of the most iconic way of doing oshikatsu is making an itabag and there is a very common type where you have 24 identical badges in a grid on the bag>so,>we will have a special discount where you can get TWENTY FOUR FUCKING FURI BADGES>this is for me okay?incredibly based welsh weasel
>i would consider these items to be pretty standard for vtuber merch except for ONE item that will be incredibly specialised>the preorder will start April for the 2.0 debut drop>now, my bday is in July.... if the 1st drop goes well we could have a cool July drop>if both go well, we could have a REALLY COOL ABSOLUTELY AMAZING October drop>SO PLEASE SPEND LOTS OF MONEY>everything is looking up so im a bit nervous it's gonna all start going bad...left that bad luck behind we good now
>peeing, watering the furi>schedule>>MON TUE did all the meetings i just talked about>>WED sand>>THU roblox collab with Pillow Wisu Lemi Perry>>FRI very serious important roleplay with PillowDear>>SAT offline, editing and stuff>>SUN pokemon>thank you for support>return month has been amazing>*OBS jumpscare*>named all of these files during a meeting tooand now Furi will dig sand forever on the VSMP
>>95052277that is basically most small corpos, sadly
they are fucking useless leeches and often pests with a shiny coat of fancy L2D on top
avoid at all costs, grind as indie, make real friends it will pay off in sanity first then maybe in actual success