Quoted By:
>I saw a video on twitter of a piece of meat, one was a timelapse- one was bitten by a human, one meat bitten by a komodo dragon
>And the komodo dragon one was festering, it was disgusting and frightening but also cool- cool for the komodo dragon..
>[Mine diamonds] I did, I mined a few diamonds, what if I just never mined another diamond until I had fortune 3
>[If I find diamonds today can i borrow a couple to make rings for Faun, I heard he's returning soon]
>Absolutely not, I will not help you for the sake of Faun, these are my diamonds, not to be given to the likes of him
>You really- You still want to commit to this man? This man who shows up once every year
>Tries to woo your heart- tries to win your heart- makes all these grand promises [Hes so mysterious]
>No, no! He's unreliable is what he is, what do you think happened to all the saplings he made promises to, he dumped them all on me
>I was the one to take care of them, haaah, he married them? They wish, they wish! He probably left them at the altar
>Dont trust this man, dont trust his lies.
>I- I'm speechless, Faun he doesn't even show up, his silhouette shows up on twitter and that's enough for everyone to start forgetting about Fauna?
>It's all about Faun now huh? huh? I know its just a regular old minecraft stream like whatever its not special but-but that doesnt mean you can just forget about me
>Just cause I'm not having an host club- hes gonna be here for one day and then hes gonna leave again, I'm just trying to protect from getting your heart broken once again, by this man
>Who doesn't even care- no matter what he says, can he really care? Acts all attached, acts all "ooh ooh lets get married yes, my saplings"- No!
>Who is the one whos here, who is the one who streams? He did one stream, one stream then he peaced out forever. Buh buh buh
>'s okay, okay I'll still be here when he breaks your heart, I'll still be here
>When he breaks your heart and leaves again, I'll be here. [He's so handsome] - Yeah who do you think- I bet I bet, he's only handsome cause he's my twin. Mhm yeah
>I've sneezed 16 times in non members streams? Thats not that many times- I sneeze a lot more when Im not streaming
(noting that since that stream she has sneezed in: 【Pokémon Violet】 Fauna spends 6 hours looking for a shiny sinistea and cries, 【Pokémon Violet】 Beating the game so I can get a shiny sandwich and get my dang tea cup (twice), 【Penumbra Overture】 You Are Trapped in a Cave With 10,000,000 Spiders and You Can't Pet the Dog. And 【SKYRIM】 Where am I...?? Where is Faendal???