>>71082155Don't read if too off topic. I've made massive personal changes to my habits over the last couple years, completely changed from a filthy lazy neet into a neat, tidy, clean hard worker and along with fitness and increased social interaction. But I am still faced with the same problem i've had for the last 5 years, no friends, no humans to interract with, no way to go out and meet people, no suitable hobbies to go and meet girls. This is the greatest hurdle I've ever had in my life after all bridges were burned, and I have no idea how the fuck to solve the problem. It's a social networking problem, I lost my entire social network and can't seem to get it back. At least in the meantime, I am enjoying gura, gooming my guts out to her everyday, and she not only taught me to love again but inspired me to live again, so all hope is not lost. It's just this last hurdle that seems impossible to get around that has me fucking stumped. Have any chumbuds encountered a similar hurdle and found a way around it?