>>23207145Let's cut to the chase. The rapture is happening on June 15th this year. 15/06/2022. Or 15/03/2022 on the Jewish calendar. (Quick bonus bit of information that I didn't know where else to put, 1+5=6, 06=6, 2+2+2=6, 666, fitting considering the tribulation and the antichrists arrival immediately comes after the rapture)
How did I come to this conclusion? Let's see, shall we.
Before we get fully into this though, keep in mind what you've been hearing on the news recently. NASA has hired priests and other religious leaders to announce to people the existence of aliens, this is a pre-emptive and precise move by the enemy to explain away what is about to happen when millions of people vanish into thin air, they're going to pass it off as a mass alien abduction. It's going to be chaotic for months and people are going to lose their minds, the antichrist will at this point show up and sign a treaty with Israel.
Anyway here we go.
In John 21:1-14 we read about Jesus revealing himself for the 3rd time to his disciples since he was crucified. Peter and co are fishing, but they catch nothing. Jesus shouts over and tells them to try casting the net to the right side (don't have the time or the space to go over the symbolism of that part). They do and they catch 153 fish. The bible does not contain useless information, this seemingly random number is Jesus telling us when he's coming. He's not going to use the Gregorian calendar (a man made one) over the calendar God gave to the Hebrews. 153 fish is simply 15th of the 3rd.
This is clue 1.
Next we have the fig tree generation. To those of you that don't know, the fig tree generation began when Israel became a nation again, which was back during 1948.
This fig tree generation is an extremely pivotal piece of information given, it was literally mentioned in 3 separate gospel accounts.
>The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty;This is the last year that this prophecy has to come true. There is no 'well we'll just wait until next year'. It either happens this year or it doesn't, in which case either the bible is wrong about something, which is impossible, or our understanding of this parable is completely off in which case nobody knows what it's talking about, no, rather it has to be this. It simply has to be.
This is clue 2 (btw if you think I'm being a bit light on information look this stuff up yourself, I've got limited space to work with here)
Here's a video for more on the fig tree generation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ijXFi6w7tcThese next few clues can all be bundled together and despite the fact that I can technically write them down for you, it is so much easier to understand if you have visual aids because this has to do with stars and constellations. Watch this video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18u_gc0TRlEAll of the heavenly signs that point to this are clue 3.