Otsonny!! The final stretch of the first act of okami was a fun little stream... Kusano fucks everyone over by drinking the 8 purification sake that's supposed to get orochi wasted on the night of the festival (and also reveals he's the reason for this mess in the first place??) and we have to save our beloved kushi from her sacrificial fate. The moon cave that waka got us stuck in certainly gave him a run for his money and ended up being most of the stream— after getting a mask and scribbling a briskadet on the front we can blend in with the imps in the cave, who we have to help out in creating an appetizer for the awoken demon. This is another zelda-esque dungeon and it was fun watching sonny figure it out as he tried different ways to solve the puzzles while finding each requested ingredient for the appetizer. Insert obligatory "I like VA" compliment here because I like his voices even when they're annoying, and some of those imps were damn annoying. I wonder how many of these ball rolling sequences are actually in the game... I think he might go postal if they get any more difficult. Also it took him way too fucking long to figure out the cannon that blasted open the cave with the demon horn, both funny and a great feeling when he finally got it. I feel like he's been very reluctant to ask for backseating in this playthrough so far... not that I'm complaining. With all ingredients obtained the imp chef creates a terrible concoction for us to bring to orochi, and a somewhat anticlimactic battle with a lightweight snake commences. It was a bit tedious but nothing too difficult or awful, although of course sonny was determined to take the heads down with bombs. Susano redeems himself a little in the end to help save kushi and for now it seems that all's well that ends well. Damn I can't believe sonny beat the final boss, only a 15 hour game... thas crazy.
Not too long of a stream today but it was fun, at first i thought "just do your damn work, nobody's forcing you to stream" when he talked about needing to be quick since he still has prep to do before his birthday but when all is said and done I'm glad he finished the first act. It was also cute watching him speculate about the game after he ended; he seemed a little... underwhelmed, maybe? about taking orochi down this early in the game so I look forward to watching the rest of it unfold with him. I was also kind of surprised it's just strive + a VA stream for the weekend, that's what he was being so weird about? Ah well, I don't think he takes the overthinkers like me into account when he speaks. Looking forward to seeing him check out bedman on Saturday and hopefully everything goes well for Sunday, I'll have to see if I can't work up the courage to post a DV line or two on a burner KEK. Thanks for a quick stream taichou, good luck with your work tomorrow and see you in a couple days for birth. Yeahh party! o7
>>46623776I want sonny and kenmochi, that one is self-explanatory