>>83756608>>83756577My name is pet schizo not draco take your meds may pic related, you are a [REDACTED] Moderator
if draco is your own retard name for me for some unknown reason and you are legitimately, trying to call me a pedophile, lets not forget you hang out with pedophiles on
4chan.org/trash/ the vrlg threads who groom kids constantly
>>83756786You aren't a women.
You are a man with a penis. You are worse than evil toaster.
You are an evil manipulative cunt.
You are using your "friends" as an excuse to relentlessly self shill.
>IM SO IMPORTANT IM IN VSHOJOCRAFTThat's the exact type of people WE as a GROUP don't want around the girls or ourselves.
The girls also don't want EvilToaster tier faggots like you around who use them as a means to an end for your streaming advertising.
You are an annoying, pyschopathic, manipulative cunt.
You, Mei, are a pedophile apart of the scourge calling kids eggs and forcing fetishes on them before puberty even hits.
You, Mei, are Kris Tyson tier, and are not a women, and will never be a women.
The fact this delusional schizophrenic can sit down and be enabled by people on their sexual fetish opposite sex gender bender fetish is completely wild clown world shit-- especially when they run around grooming kids in VRChat.
*m*ly lei*ht*n aka na*mut* the jannie of 4chan they are a snuffy poster
>>83757109>>83757275let me assist you with this self posting pedophile