>>72381389 Rio sucks like the finest whore in the underworld. No, perhaps even better than that. Let's look at the facts about the cute ghost senpai.
>Can choose to be corporeal or incorporeal when he wishes>Can sing>Sucked me good and hard through my jortsRio has an amazing throat that he's great at using. But he's not limited to his throat because he can change the corporeality of his body at will. And it's not just generalized changes he can do, but local ones. Singing requires air, lungs, vocal chords and diaphragm interacting together to make sound. Rio no longer has his physical body, but certainly he does some kind of bodily manipulation to do those notes.
If he can do those notes, he can certainly suck off anyone regardless of what body part is near their penis. His ghostly foot steps on a wiener. It passes through harmlessly, though it does feel a bit cold. Then the human feels deft motion coming from within Minase Rio's ghostly flesh expertly teasing and swirling about his mansword. He shrinks back after the deed is done, confused and afraid of what has occured.
But if he wasn't a coward, he would thank the ghost senpai from Uproar and invite him to a party with all of his friends. Remember, RIO IS NOT LIMITED TO JUST HIS THROAT. He could accomodate any number of dicks that a horny mass of homosexuals could offer as long as part of his body was touching them. Positioning would be dicey, but not even the loosest sloot could compare to his cock capacity. Depending on how merciful Rio felt like, he could edge this crowd for hours or viciously suck them all to send them screaming to swift completion. But the end result would be the same.
As one, everyone shoots. Their goo flies through the space Rio once was and hits each other instead. Now there are naked homosexuals bukkaked with their own cum and not a single ghost in sight.