>>60021604This is OT, but these are dead hours anyways. Here's my terminal-based workflow for making soundposts. All of this can be done with GUI software, but I don't know them and I'm more used to these commands. Also once you know these commands, you can process hour-long videos with the same effort, launch them remotely on servers, and whatnot.
0. Install yt-dlp, mpv, and ffmpeg.
1. Use YT's or Twitch's clip feature to roughly cut out the clip for your soundpost.
2. Use the "share this clip" URL to download it with yt-dlp (you might need the --cookies-from-browser option) If you don't want to leave traces you can remove the clip from your account after you've downloaded it.
3. Use mpv to figure out start, length, and crop values through trial and error:
> mpv CLIP_FILE --start=9 --length=12 --vf=crop=480:580:1440:5004. Once you're satisfied with it, put those figures into ffmpeg to encode the video and audio parts:
> ffmpeg -i CLIP_FILE -ss 9 -t 12 -vf crop=480:580:1440:500 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -row-mt 1 -an NAME.webm> ffmpeg -i CLIP_FILE -ss 9 -t 12 -vn NAME.ogg4b. If the webm is over 4MB, adjust resolution (scale) and/or quality (crf) so that it fits:
> ffmpeg -i CLIP_FILE ... -vf crop=...,scale=320:-1 -crf 32 ...crf is 0–63, higher = more compression, start at 32 and raise until you get the desired file size.
5. Test the two files by playing them roughly together (I'm using & in bash)
> mpv.com NAME.ogg & mpv.com NAME.webm6. Upload ogg to file host, get URL, throw away https, replace / with %2F, and add it to the webm filename wrapped in a sound tag:
> mv NAME.webm NAME[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxxxxxx.ogg].webm7. Congrats you have a soundpost!