>>3757303It's possible the mods were considering stickying it but weren't sure if it was a good idea since the demand seemed much lower. In other words just expecting it to be a big deal doesn't make it one, and I mean the Pomu started off with an <10k viewer debut which is not very impressive at all. If they were gonna sticky from their hands being forced with so much hype (like the Gura costume, FYI /vt/ was faster than /v/ and /pol/ combined while that was going), well it did not reach that point.
Interestingly /vt/ is in kind of a chicken or egg position here - if mods stickied it would it have gotten a bunch of extra hype / did it not get a bunch of extra hype -because- it wasn't stickied? Since Niji doesn't have much a footprint here literally the pull was just trickle-down interest from Holo fans as "oooh it's Holo's main competitor in Japan, let's see what they're like" curiosity rather than almost two years of mega-viral niji talk which just isn't a thing in the West like it is for Holo. Neither of the debuts tonight really showed much indicator of HERE-ness either (Mori catcalled with the "people yelling sell" line right in her debut). So they as a company aren't really on this board's mind much and it seems they aren't really mindful of us either, and with numbers equiv to high-profile indies today (who never get stickies etc) that is how the cookie crumbles.