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Here's my rewrite of the Broken Promise, keeping the main story beats but changing the songs and some details as well
>The musical begins with the same prologue narrated by Liz with the small change that IRySsa does not descend from the heavens, but from royalty.
>Opening scene follows IRySsa who has taken to the streets in disguise, searching for companions
>Following her perspective, she meets Kora first who flirts with her before getting pick pocketed by Namu
>Namu is stopped by Faelyn, who returns IRySsa's purse to her, trying to ingratiate herself to someone she can tell is part of the nobility, though she denies it as both Faelyn and Kora corner her while Namu tries to sneak away.
>Hexa, who has been watching all of this from the side of the stage, speaks up loudly and boastfully saying that she recognizes IRySsa.
>Confidently swaggering up to her, Hexa removes IRySsa's disguise and reveals her identity as a princess of the realm
>The other girls reel in surprise at IRySsa who shines brightly before them. She pleads for their silence and informs them all of her need for secrecy as rumors of a dark lord rising in the East have reached the palace
>She charges each of the girls to join her in her quest to stop his ascent with promises of all the power, women, wealth, and fame that her royal status can offer and they agree to join her
>Stopping at the outskirts of their home country, the girls set up camp and Namu tells them all the tale of a witch that steals travelers teeth. The other girls hate this story and go off to bed leaving Namu alone for the night watch
>Namu reflects a bit on the tale alone now; wondering where she heard it from in the first place
>The next day, the girls arrive in the eastern lands. Unfamiliar with the forests of this country, the group relies on Faelyn to utilize her connection with nature to guide them to their destination.
>While taking the lead, Faelyn is almost struck down by a rogue ent. She is narrowly saved by Namu and the rest of the group fight it off before Faelyn rises and strikes it down herself with a single command, saving the party.
>As the group celebrates and continues their journey, Faelyn stops to thank the dying ent for his sacrifice and for following her orders to the letter. With this charade, she has proven her worth in the party and charmed Namu as well so that she will never be left alone every again.
>Arriving in the nearest town, the party splits up to find rumors about the Dark Lord. IRySsa tries to help but bumbles up everyone else's attempts at gathering information and is told to sit this out.
>Feeling down and envious of these girls' talents, she wonders if the only worth she has in in her status as royalty
>Following a rumor, the girls decide to investigate a church dedicated to the supposed dark lord. Arriving there, Kora sees a group of young girls singing (the tune of synchronicity part 1) and immediately decides to make them hers using her time magic to turn the odds in her favor
>The other girls are disgusted by her behavior and leave her too her vices and Kora derides them saying how they'll never understand how good it feels to have these women in the palm of her hand
>Meanwhile, Hexa and the others sit in on a sermon about the dark lord, which only confuses them more about the nature of this mysterious being who has never even been seen by his own followers
>The preacher then asks for a volunteer to sing the hymns and Hexa, desperate for a new stage, jumps at the opportunity
>She follows along normally at first, singing parts of Synchronicity part 2, but begins inserting her own name into the hymns. When the preacher asks what she is trying to do, Hexa responds in song
>During the song, the group are chased out of the chapel and end up on the city outskirts.
>Faelyn admonishes Hexa for her actions to which she responds by calling out Faelyn's own charade since she knows a performance when she sees one
>Shocked by this revelation, IRySsa angrily confronts Faelyn over taking advantage of them to which Kora calls her out by saying that is exactly what she is doing to all of them with this quest of hers. Namu follows this up by saying she never trusted any of them which hurts Faelyn the most. Hexa calls her a drama queen loner and the group argues until they have no more words. As they do, a song calls out to them from the forest
>the strange song has led them through the forest to the seat of the dark lord
>Coming upon the empty thrones, the 5 girls realize their destiny and conclude this journey in song
>As Promise takes their seats upon the thrones, their eyes glow and cracks form around the thrones as the curtain closes