Im gonna make a blog post about /pyon/craft I hope you guys dont mind.
The community chest has been a mess, It was fixed before Kiki's last stream on there but man it was a cascade of failures going on for a while each leading into and making the next worse. First when the Champy who was supplying UU matter and energy to the system turned off his factory we ran out of power, there was another AE system that was hooked up to share items back and forth with the community chest so we could easily switch the system to be powered off of that. At some point, maybe as soon as it was initially hooked up for items, that other system started leaching items out of our system. It was intended to act as off site storage and it was doing that but it was also just loosing ~10% of the items thrown into the community chest. With a few settings changes on the blocks connecting the 2 systems the other system will still be searchable from the community chest but nothing put into the community chest will be stored in that other system.
there is no way to get those lost items back. I suspect that that system isnt owned by a Champy because he logged in and hooked it up right after /pyon/craft was mentioned on >>>/vg/mmcg/ and logged off without saying a word. The main location of the other system is unknown too except for that it is not in the overworld and probably not in any of the orbit dimensions Then we ran out of UU matter, turns out the chunk with the UU matter tank was unloaded, there is a block that will load all chunks in an AE system so one of those was placed on all 3 systems to make sure unloading chunks wont cause an issue. That block takes alot of power though so 3 of 'em + 3 full range wireless transmitters (Rabbit Ville, the amusement park, and the Christmas market) took out our system and the one that we were now drawing power from, with no way to restore that one if it needed manual intervention to bring it back up (and alot of our items are still stored there). There was some thought that Rabbit Ville should become energy independent before this but all that had amounted to was a single solar panel. The range on the 2 auxiliary wireless relays was cut to extend just beyond the targets and many more solar panels and backup batteries were installed. The other system was blindly jump started successfully.
As for the freight train network that we talked about I have almost finished the computer controlled infinite quarry in the caving dim (pic related) that I mentioned to the other Champy working on it way ahead of schedule and no rush on the yard that you were going to build just touching base. For that project the next thing I would need would be a location in the overworld (or nether) to warp the ores to so I am holding off untill we get a better idea of how the train network is gonna look.
On the train network, as long as we use the same gauge, the only real difference between the rails for a freight network and a transportation network is that the freight ones need a bit more signals and the like to get things moving automatically. We could have only one network that we use for both transportation and freight (like it is done IRL) if we had more places around further out to go to. (Call to action!: Build more places far enough away that it makes sense to use a train) I am going to suggest that we use standard gauge track, the one the Snow Shoe Express is built on as it has more bogie options, but we clear out a bigger area around the tracks so we can run disproportionately large trains on the same track.
As for the issue of putting a station in Rabbit Ville with all the claims and builds around, as a reminder trains with or without riders can go through nether portals and that even though we have a bad ass nether portal very close to the center of town and a large area spawn proofed around the exit of that portal there are no claims and basically nothing built in the nether.
Now I am become eep