Tonight the last video from the 1k karaoke is already scheduled. I was planning to just go in order at this point. That means 2k->Mini->3k->4k with 1 video per day. 31 videos means we will finish in about 1 month. If you would like to make any request, here is the place to ask. Basically if there is anything you want uploaded before I go in order.
Beatani Sings Playlist: the playlist is at 36 songs now, I have removed the Karaoke streams from the playlist. This should be good if you want to start using the playlist with the shuffle function. The playlist is updated every day after the new upload.
Once the playlist is completed, the final order will be
1. Beatani Original Songs
2. Beatani Official Covers
3. Beatani Most Popular Song Clips (Katyusha, Disappearance, etc)
4. Most Recent Song Clips
5. Oldest Song Clips
Any feedback let me know, thanks.