>>87317101How to get around? Trains, metro and buses.
Japan has an amazing public transport system, and you're going to use it a lot.
And for that Google/Apple maps will be your best friend, checking it should always be the first thing you do if you're on the move. It's shockingly accurate, down to the minute.
This is why Internet access is absolutely vital to check where you are and how to go somewhere (+ all kind of info).
You can either get a pocket wifi in the airport as
>>87317506 said, or buy an eSIM online before travelling. Both are good and which one to pick depends on your preferences: eSIMs are usually cheaper and you don't need to return anything at the end but unlike Pocket Wifi, you most likely won't have unlimited data.
The next thing to consider getting is an IC Card in the airport.
You can either get a Suica or a Pasmo card, those rechargeable cards are usually used in train stations to pay entry fees instantly.
They're technically not indispensable, but it'll make your life far easier and as a bonus they're also used in tons of places.
Feeling thirsty? There's always a vending machine nearby, and unless it's very old, you should be able to pay with your IC Card.
Konbini? Same.
Supermarkets too I believe.
Hell I think there are even arcade machines that are compatible with IC Cards.
Just note that were both discontinued for travelers for a good chunk of 2024, they're apparently "available" again since very recently but there's also all kind of conflicting information on the Internet, so no guarantees here.Always have cash on you. Japan still relies a lot on physical money.
And obviously your passport too while you're at it.
As a foreigner, you can use your passport to buy tons of stuff (including Hololive merch) tax free, which means that it'll be much cheaper for you than for regular nips.One last important thing: If you are currently taking medicines, notably antidepressants: Please please please PLEASE check if its content are allowed in Japan.
Quite a lot of them are considered drugs over there, and Japan is incredibly aggressive towards drugs.
It that's the case then you need to declare that shit properly otherwise you will NOT have a good time.
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/01.htmlAnd remember: Even if you don't speak a single word of Japanese, almost everything is translated in English everywhere so don't worry, I promise you will be alright.