>>89110356The Bible talks about it as such:
In old testament, the netherworld would be composed of a place for people where they end up based on their deeds(since Jesus wasn't around to put your faith in), this place would be split by a big pit, and on one side of the pit would be what was known as Abraham's bosom and on the other side it would be(iirc) hades, where you waited for Jesus and respectively where you experienced judgement for your actions
Besides this, there is also the abyss, which is where the fallen angels were cast down to
Now, it is explained that demons are(currently) free to move from the abyss to earth's surface, whereas human souls cannot(but through certain rituals(not allowed) you can talk to the dead)
In the new testament, once Jesus died, for those 3 days He went to Abraham's bosom and took everyone into heaven, while He left the people in hades alone(multiple times throughout the old testament we see people doing what's right without having been told by God what is wrong or not, so no excuses such as "we didn't know")
So now, through Jesus's sacrifice and gift of Grace, people that put their faith in Him truly go straight to heaven and the people who did not go to hades
And eventually Jesus will come and the day of judgment will arrive, where every knee shall bow and profess that He is Lord(regardless of if they want to or not(He won't be forcing them, it's just what the effect of the holiness of God)) and eventually earth and heaven will be discarded for a new heaven and a new earth, where Jesus promises eternity and sinlessness, which means no pain or suffering and the curse on adam(that actually cursed the earth, not man) will be done away with, for they will be rightfully thrown into the lake of fire where they will experience eternal destruction(not as in, destroyed for all eternity, but experiencing conscious destruction for all of eternity)
Hope this helps