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Just caught up with the thread, and I understand why some people have been disappointed/upset re: the whole break. I guess what's been getting to me is the lack of transparency. I know they don't have to keep us updated on every little thing, they don't have to tell us their exact location and what they're doing at the moment. But, it's just the sudden time off and vague tweets that get on my nerves a bit. If they're on strike, it's one thing. If they're planning exciting stuff and don't wanna spoil, I get that. But, I would've at least liked a little "Hey, we're going to Japan to have fun and meet up, and we probably won't tweet that much!"
My oshi is Ike, and while I love him to death, the fact that he briefly mentioned near the end of his last membership stream that he'll be going on break, and that he'd probably stream before he does, only to have that Valorant collab and not even say anything about the break until he announces a ten-day long one in a fucking tweet, that kinda stuff ticks me off. I'm sure he had his reasons, but it just sucks for him to seemingly fuck off like that and have the time of his life, meanwhile I'm stuck at home waiting for him and wondering what the hell he could be doing and when he'll tweet next...