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Gets drunk and tells a funny anecdote about accidentally hiring a male prostitute when she thought the host at the bar just wanted to have casual sex. Uki receives residual backlash for being more sober than her on the stream but not cutting her off.
Gets caught DMing multiple underage fans, telling them that they can rely on him from now on and that they're his special projects, while also putting them in responsibility for his mental health. It comes out after a fan posts screenshots from her DMs in an argument, claiming to know the real Hex.
Openly and freely states that she's a Yugo nepotism hire, getting the ire of the same Japanese audience that hated him in the process. This alone wouldn't be so bad, but she uses her newly developed mastery of the English language to call them slurs on twitter while not fully understanding what they mean.
Calls her audience pedophiles while laughing after she gets a particularly simping superchat. Doubles down on this when chat freaks out and says it's a serious accusation.
Does a full-on, no holds barred reverse rape roleplay on YouTube with sound effects, getting his livestream nuked and his channel taken down. Opens a pornhub account and continues making content there under the nijisanji name without permission from the company, getting himself suspended for a month.
When asked about his preferences he states that he prefers girls with very light, almost porcelain skin, and big Western eyes. He also states that he believes most physical imperfections can be fixed with plastic surgery, so if you don't have perfect features you shouldn't be sad, you should just save up money.