>>29453464As a disclaimer, this is just bullshit that came to mind after reading the post, didn't really give it much thought and may revisit your question later, that being said:
Before you even try to save anything I think it's better to try to understand why this is happening, as the other anons already mentioned, GC might play into this, but it's not like the thread became like this the moment GC was released, is it?
What made (You) post in the thread and interact before? When something like this happens you get replies quite fast, same as with a honkposts, it's clear that people have the thread open, they are just lurking, is it perhaps that the previous activity was due to a few posters with everyone else reacting to them and now said posters are gone or tired/burned out? Some like to cry about no gameplay posts, but was it always like that? I remember dumb arguments, shitposts even, about things like mpp back in the day, everything was far simpler, why doesn't that happen anymore? Funds could've been a perfect opportunity for anything of this sort to pop up, but it didn't, the closest thing we got was Ninjin being locked into debt for a few days.
I've talked about similar things in the past with people, "It's the aggie, back then it was only weekends, you were forced to be in the thread, so things happened there, nowadays, you have access to GC 24/7" and "It's the players, as much as I would like to believe new player influx is enough, the oldfags are pretty much retired, they just buy oshi x10 all the time and don't really see a point in bringing up new things up when it doesn't affect them, but that might be just me" Last point doesn't really seem true to me, many of the people you would call oldfags made funds, so it's not like they ignore new things entirely, but I do think it's worth mentioning.
As for how to save this place, I think it all comes down to fun, people get together to play Mahjong, 100% OJ, Blockgame, and many other things, why? I don't believe it's just because we are "close" community, it's because there is nothing to do in nasfaq, you set up your trader and you are ready to go, want to do something else? Well, what are you going to do? Watch the timer go down from 10 minutes? Get into mutual funds and do the exact same thing you just did? I'm not saying that the game should keep you busy or entertained all time, but as it is currently there isn't really a reason to stick around much here, when gacha and auctions got added it was quite a experience, something different that you can do, bid wars, shitpost about secret hats, snipe auctions, there was something else to do other than watch a 10m cooldown go lower, but now auctions and gacha are dead, so anyway, will a fishing mini-game fix nasfaq? No, I don't think it will, but things you can do while you wait for the next adjustment that might get you to stick around a bit more, and who knows, if people stick around they might want to post about that new shiny fish they caught, maybe sell it in the market later? In essence, give people something to do, that may get them to posts and if you get lucky, they may include some actual nasfaq posts alongside their cool fishes.
Regardless, I think that if you really want a shot at fixing something you gotta figure out how we got to this point in the first place, so good luck with that.