11 HOURS LEFT!!! It's the Lucy Pyre birthday card! Show your appreciation for Lucy! Submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400).
>pokemon (torchic, mimikyu, cynthia, gen3)>stardew valley (haley)>harvest moon>fishing minigames>zelda>ffxiv>persona (3)>elden ring/sekiro/bloodborne>resident evil 4>silent hill 2>rune factory (4)>honkai star rail>rhythm games (miku, love live)>visual novels (piofiore)>cats>strawberry sponge cake>anime (lucky star, dokuro-chan, code geass, nanoha, sailor moon, madoka, love live, magi, inukami, chainsaw man)>japanese language>scented candles>mcdonalds (nuggies)>tentacles>autism/cringeReference: