>>51682263Most of it goes to corporate fat sacks. If only you knew how little it actually is. The best thing you can do to help the anime friends is to end the Federal Reserve Bank hard as you can. Seven years after the American Revolution the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 made the King of England the Prince Elector of the United States, and Americans continued paying debts to the crown. In 1812 the British burned the white house down, and the Act of 1871 created a separate corporate government, the District of Columbia, allowing it to operate with it's own laws outside of the US Constitution. Creating the corporation of the United States. The United States became a foreign corporation in 1871, and a new city state for the old world order, with it's financial capital in the City of London, it's religious capital in Vatican City, and it's military capital in DC. These city states have their own sovreignty over every other government in the World. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act gave full control of America's wealth to a private corporation beholden to the City of London. That is why the anime friends don't have any money and less and less every year. Really puts into perspective how close the old world is still, even after a lifetime of Fourth of July fireworks, just yesterday. They have a lot of people on their side that also don't want money. That want all of the anime friends just like they want you. Dead only. You learn that.