helps with crohn's disease>Adult flukes settle in the small intrahepatic bile ducts and then they live there for 20-30 years. The long-lived flukes cause long-lasting chronic inflammation of the bile ducts and this produces epithelial hyperplasia, periductal fibrosis and bile duct dilatation. The vast majority of patients are asymptomatic, but the patients with heavy infection suffer from lassitude and nonspecific abdominal complaints.>G. intestinalis in the United State and Jamaica is the most common intestinal parasite>It [wormwood] was used since A.D. 341 by Chinese herbalists who exploited it for the treatment of malaria fever>Consumption of extracts and the essential oil of A. annua as an anti-parasitic drug in herbal therapies received particular attention and the following studies were performed and they indicates that this plant is effective and active against trypanosomiasis or “sleeping sickness” (Mishina et al. 2007), schistosomiasis (Utzinger et al. 2001), toxoplasmosis (Oliverira et al. 2009), leishmaniasis (Chawla and Madhubala 2010), cryptosporidiosis (Arab et al. 2006), coccidiosis (Brisibe et al. 2008).I hope I don't have any toxoplasmosis cysts in my brain but if I do I hope the wormwood kills them or at least retards their growth.>In the USA, Giardia is the most commonly identified enteric parasite of humans [2], with an estimated 1.2 × 106 episodes of illness occurring annually [3] and Giardia identified in 4–7% of stool specimens from patients with diarrhoeal illness tested by clinical diagnostic laboratories [2].A lot of these parasites are mostly asymptomatic because of the immune system but still