>>73159933I know we're on an anonymous Siamese fighting fish forum, bur for a genuine answer,
Unironically the English-speaking socmed space has an honest-to-god addiction to outrage. Every community in every language has their share of retards, faggots, and retards, and lolcow petting zoos, but the western side of any hobby is always especially vitriolic, about anything. I think it's because in a post-9/11 world we raised a generation to tie their identity to being idealistically pure, so people feel like they have to be "right" -- therefore, the opposing point of view must be wrong, and is therefore both a threat, an acceptable target, and something that must be disparaged and rebuked. The performative nature of social media is only exacerbating this issue, because everyone feels obligated to actively go out of their way to state their views and opinions for the social clout of being "correct" so they will be viewed more favorably and not lumped in with the group deemed as incorrect. These behaviors are being further entrenched and exacerbated by a generation aging into societal presence after being raised in this pressure cooker of a society.
TL;DR westoids angy bc they were told that being morally superior beings = being right on the internet.