Happy Birthday to Koyori! She started off this morning radio show of hers bragging to everyone about how much fun she had going shopping with La+ and buying cute outfits together because La+ is a super cutie who praises how koyute Koyori is like a good little daughter. She also shilled all the goods that various Holos are selling such as Anya and Kronii's birthday merch as well as Botan's merch, she also reminded you that she too might have merch to sell so you all should tune into her totsu later on in the day to see if she's telling the truth or not. She's in super good spirits and is being very extra special cute so why don't you come tune into her and wish her a happy birthday? She is especially thankful for all her fans, even the overseas viewers like us. Also A*e-senpai made it into the Koyori Radio Show due to her secret little A*melia growing inside her hat during her VR cooking! Subaru also made it because she's back from her break which is clearly amazing news!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHLP1LxJBPMIt's past 7:30AM and Aki is still beating the absolute snot out of rocks and shit with her home raised Ankylosaur, hard farming up all those mats she needs to upgrade her already solid base with dinosaurs who could probably even take on the vicious Alphas that roam the world when she's resting her head. Her cuteness hasn't diminished one bit despite playing Ark of over 8.5 hours and that's quite the feat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agRA8IKjFHoDapper Knight not so dapper after getting totally spanked in various Mario Kart races against Kishimen. Despite his heavy losses, he's still got a smile on his face and determination flowing through his blood as losing just means that he's gotta redeem himself in the next race because eventually he'll take victory away from his fans and get to be all smug about it. Go Temma Go!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF0_akanyfA>Songs ReleasedIofi did it! After spending days upon days of drawing on stream, showing the progress she's been making on the MV for her original song, she successfully released Q&A=E Kyawaii on this very fine day! And the wait was totally worth it, as this Slice and Life catchy OP she's got herself here is a total BANGER. It's the kind of song that'll definitely get stuck in your head and play over and over again against your will and you'll soon find yourself humming it to yourself without even realizing it. Seriously go give it a stream if you haven't yet, it's wonderful.