>>96973753>furi wants a modern explanation for how pokeballs work>not happy with the pokemons can change size bullshit>more talk about consistency with the time travel and multiverse dimensional shit>sick and tired of multiverses in general>would be funny if they brought Ash back and every episode started with a bullshit story he told from one of the multiverses dimensional nonsense part of his life >i wanna see Ash got through therapy >furi loves this little guy who is autistically afraid of pokemons and also cute and learning to conquer his fears>furi doesnt like to stream games with a lot of story>she doesnt mind those as much in her own time>isopod PFP has FINALLY been updated >>96975099>not a fan of pokeymans who look like just-men>not a fan of pokeyladies wearing dresses>those "clothes" are just made of flesh>double not a fan of gardevoir, when you look at hentai of her, keep in mind that "dress" is her flesh>now, i may sound like a coomer>BUT>i think lucario toes the lineFURI ADMITS BEING A COOMER LIVE ON STREAM