>>87945934The most important quality that separates dasein from other kinds of beings is capacity for world formation. That is to say, conception of teleology.
One of the simplest and obvious applications of this is adaptation to unprecedented situations. If you drop a horse in alien terrain it can navigate it just fine. Drop a self-driving car in the same situation and it goes boink, because the situation was not in the preexisting dataset it was tuned on. The horse has intentionality; it doesn't 'crash' because it doesn't *want* to crash. The 'self-driving car' on the other hand isn't 'driving' per se, it is solving a bunch of mathematical transformations; where there just coincidentally happen to be control inputs hooked up to the outputs of those calculations at the same time. Same deal with large language models. If you ask an LLM to perform 'oracular' functions, to give advice, directions, or predictions for some objective, the only thing you can get in response is search-and-retrieve from what volumes of text are already in the dataset, and without distinction between multiple voices contradicting each other, at that.
An other simple and obvious application is cross-domain capability. Your neural stack is evolved to control limbs for things like acquiring food and escaping danger; but this 'control scheme' can elaborated into 'extended phenotypes', such as, say keyboards, paint brushes, or grenade launchers, where controls for one thing can be adapted into producing outputs for other things. I can take someone who has never played starcraft in their life, simply tell them what the objectives of the game are, and watch them manipulate the controls to do them, figuring out all the mechanics along the way, because they are conscious of teleology, model the purposes of things, and act intentionally to bring about those purposes. There are many things that can be algorithmized; but something prior to the algorithm must be there to put the algorithm in place.
The easy answer to why many humans have a hard time with demonstrating that they aren't unconscious would be that many humans really are unconscious, comparatively speaking. Lower world-formation, less grasp of more transcendent teleologies, predictive modeling, less internal locus of control, less capacity to intentionally participate in higher order values, in revaluation of values, more dependent on external validation for motivating animus, less agency.