>>32167029It's smaller than all the others by far. Only 20 pages of mostly dialogue, discovering what male friends can be like, and plot progression. I hope you can enjoy it despite this.
Holofantasy Chapter 7, Pt. 3.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQeCRKPcmq4xS_QWQ59UJUju0ltITKy3W3fli3bXoRlR0lyw6rfs3CUQ3SQFY2IqaH67h2whje8U7ca/pubI finally got hit by the motivation bat again, and the next part or two will be much larger and actually get into the meat and potatoes of...everything. I was just stuck on the bar stuff for one reason or another. Special thanks to the Anons who generously provided rolls for the story via their perception. Thank you for your patience. I'll try to have the next parts out faster, but as always, no promises.