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I've got a very minor UX complaint/suggestion regarding auctions:
Clicking "Back to auctions" scrolls you back up to the top of the page, resets all your filters, etc. It's clunky. Is there a way the individual auction view can be like the auto-trader for example? Where it's an overlay that doesn't force that kind of action, and you can just click out of it by clicking outside of it?
The cooldown can suck a fuck for the following reasons:
>if I want to bid on one thing, and list another, why do I have to wait one minute?
>if I want to bid on two different things, why do I have to wait one minute?
>the cooldown should be localized within individual auctions
>it should show a timer
>the 15 minute extension is a bit much. something like +5min for any bids made within the final 10 minutes would be ideal. and it should not apply whatsoever if you snipe something that had 0 bids to begin with