>>77016308Hey, pebbles! I got a thought experiment I wanna share. If Biboo were to roleplay in a Skyrim game (the game is actually not that long to beat vanilla-wise; It's not as big or dense as Elden Ring, nor is it barren and aimless at all like BotW), on stream, after the Elden Wing challenge:
>Which race would she be among all the existing choices?>Which build would she be inclined to run the most, regardless of any racial baseline?>Which faction would she gladly join?>Which faction would she gleefully wipe out indiscriminately?>Who would she marry?>Where would she go for a player home? >What mods would she use? Just imagine her being given perms to run only a handful (with their dependencies)Just something for fun to pass the time while we wait for Biboo to return for real. And maybe try the Todd Pill again by actually playing this game after the "Starfield" fiasco. Who knows, she could even
be /here/, taking notes from us, as she usually does.