>GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIME YOU BITCH!I'm liking this fanfic. It's so fucking poorly written. Anyway schedule time. Currently live:
Hime - New outfit debut. It's a carbon copy of Sydsnap's outfit. Strange how that works out. She's currently reading fanfics and as you can tell that is where I currently am.
https://www.twitch.tv/hajimeLayna - If that's not your thing Layna's doing more Pixelmon in Minecraft. If you missed her new Live2D model then at least pop in for a few seconds to check it out because it's really cute.
https://www.twitch.tv/laynalazarMira - Or if you just want something even quieter, Mira is playing Deltarune chapter 2. Her model's not on screen for some reason. Don't know why.
https://www.twitch.tv/mirapinkAnd tomorrow's schedule:
Nyan - Finally finishing FFX. You bet your ass I'll be here and watching this live. It's bound to get really emotional and she's close enough to the end you shouldn't expect another 10+ hour stream.
Mouse - Connor compliment stream. When she initially pitched this idea she would have to do it for 1 hour with a timer that resets every time she fucks up. Don't know if that aspect is being kept in but if it is then it could become a full Connor compliment stream
Mel - Schedule just says Twitch. Nothing more. Nothing less. Likely just hanging out but maybe it'll be media share or something else.
Silver? - Tuesdays aren't abnormal for her, but there's no schedule yet so it's a big maybe.
Zen's an unknown. Vei's taking the day off. So is Hime. And Froot is currently setting up traps to stop a couple of wet bandits from breaking nto her home on Christmas.