>>78055769MOKUBA LORE wip
freaky goofy rotten wizard hobbyist
>>71866828 referencing this im still workshopping it but this is what i got down so far
a red mage who got tricked and is now stuck in a tree. im able to keep myself alive but slowly i've been rotting away while my mind is deteriorating. it's all been seeping into the tree which eventually becomes rotten enough to where im able to break free but not entirely. as i wander the forest looking for a way back to civilization, i eventually come across a woodsman who then tries to fight/kill me from fear. with the first swing to the head the axe gets embedded and hasnt been able to be removed since.
im still working on a full body design but since im working towards a horror /freak/ angle, im gonna try to have gore toggles and talk about some basic body/emt stuff once i get my license. im still not sure how to incorporate my niche of hobby building/painting (minis, models, etc) but i'll figure something out before i get a full body png or even a fully fleshed heh l2d. but as time goes on things are coming together
the person who tricked me, burried me up to my neck and planted a seed in my head and a tree came out and everything underground is wrapped up in roots
a bit of lore and design ideas