>>91454294>Alright, what about if someone loves and gets their happiness from making people comatose vegetables.If it's done without the person's consent, it's not "letting them live", it's the opposite.
> Are the actions of the person bad? Subjectively speaking they can't be(that's the overall issue with relativism).It's up to the person who chooses to become a comatose vegetable to decide whether it's "good" or "bad".
> A man lives his whole life with the idea of "live and let live", he passes by a homeless person every day on the way to the subway for work, but he never gives him any mind because helping the homeless person would be uncharacteristic ane inconsistent with his individualistic worldview."Live and let live" has nothing to do with being individualistic or not. The man could argue that the homeless person,who is unhappy with their situation, isn't living, so society as a whole has a responsibility to make it possible for the homeless person to live.
> If shondo were to do something you don't like, such as(i imagine) meeting up with a man, would you be okay with hearing "live and let live"?Yes, I would be fine, and so should you.
> No? Because it's harming you emotionally or mentally? Well then why overlook the people hurt by m&gs?This is where the paradox of tolerance comes into play. A Nazi who isn't allowed to kick all the Jews out of the apartment he lives in would also feel emotional distress about the situation, as a consequence of his beliefs. Similarly, feeling emotional distress when your partner meets other people is a consequence of holding misogynistic beliefs at a deep level.
Much like Nazism, incel ideology should not be condoned because it promotes the abuse of others.
> Even if you never personally agreed with it, i haven't seen this kind of reasoning to argue against the idea of doing m&gsLikewise, there is no reason why no one should care about your feelings if they are the result of incel ideology.