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I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna say it!!! I love these two like you wouldn't believe!!! It's been a whole year, and I can't imagine having spent it if these guys hadn't debuted back then. I remember watching their teaser- it was at the end of a Stars live- and didn't know what to think at all. I ended up actually jumping, physically in the air, and walking around my basement thinking this is gonna change the game! And it really did, didn't it? Ah, but let me put the focus back on the two members of the day!!! Altare's got such dedication and leadership skills to him. Fighting the whole world but never giving up, and well, that's just inspiring!!! I can't imagine anyone else fitting of the title of leader, he just never lets things get him down for too long, instead takes a breather and looks towards his next step, and always takes the time to talk and extend a hand to the boys, and that makes him such an amazing person I can't really describe it. I really do like him and his quiet charm, and also the childish side that creates things like Snailtare and streams like Rock. I hope that he too enjoys who he's grown to be within the year, and the family he's gathered around him. Thank you for being The Holostar, for leading the way into a new era, and for being everyone's leader this past year. And I know Magni isn't here right now, but that guy's just as important to Tempus as Altare! I can't wait to greet him back with open arms. But anyway, Magni's a force all to himself. He's always had such an improve to him that draws you, I've always liked the little quirks about him. I love the effort he so clearly puts behind his works, the creative streams that he hosts or at least helps to create- that's another thing, Magni's always helping his boys out! I remember the first day he pulled out the loopstation too, man, that was almost a year ago as well. He's really worked hard and look where he's gotten now! A whole orisong and a new passion for creating music- it's really amazing. I'm happy he's found a family within Tempus and I hope that one day he can pull them all in a big hug with those arms of his!!! I love Tempus a lot. I'm glad to have been a part of their journey, and I can't wait to watch them all for another year. 2 years. 3 and more!!! I wish the best for all of these guys.