People are finally waking up to the truth. Ennaschizo is a horrible person. Schizopeeps, can you explain your oshi's terrible behavior?
>>44564543 When no one responds to his posts, he just resorts to old timeloops.
>>44462513He's incredible transparent in his behavior. Embarrassing for someone considered a thread schizo. He even drags innocent livers into his drama. How can you watch him and excuse this kind of thing?
>>44524227 >>44546871 Can't properly read what he's replying to, ends up misfiring and then breaking kayfabe as an out. Flees the thread in shame. Pathetic, and, again, embarrassing behavior.
>>44560628 Another instance of him breaking kayfabe, this time because he's obsessed with being a thread celebrity. Only pickmes do this.
>>44580597Even Milgurschizo thinks he sucks.
And this isn't even to mention his rampant /pol/fagging, containment breaking, and invading threads on /jp/. Ennaschizo has no respect for this industry, he's just an attention whore who loves thread celebrity status. You should be ashamed to have him as an oshi.