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And here is for the RASPBERRY REPORT, in a day that can only be described with a single word
First, for those who made it: Regis did a double take but his raspberry strength is not as it used to be and he set a 700+ mark in both cases, matched by Hakka, also 800+ but with a raid that pushed him up from a good 600+ mark.
Vermillion and Reimu representing NijiEN tried their best as well, but even recasting the same raspberry buff that almost got her gold in the past (Zelda) and stacking a raspberry buff (guerilla) over it was not enough for Reimu to take it, with gold going for the birthday boy (wait, wasn't his bday 5 days ago?) with a very competitive sub 500 mark
In order to clear the path for the birthday boy to get gold, the KING closest lieutenants (Hakka and Hakka) STUCK THEIR KNIVES IN HIS BACK with a double raid pushing him all the way up to 1020 and, for good measure, Magni followed up with a third raid, pushing him to 1.2k!
But the treachery didn't end there, and happened on the Nji side as well!
Aia was clocking a awesome low 400 mark, with most of the time remaining sub 400 when, in a coup almost simultaneous with the one on StarsEN, Selen(!) raided her to 1.1k out of the raspberry comfy zone!
Gold for Shinri in a shocking day with simulaneous rebellions in both side.
>Are the KING and the QUEEN in danger?
>Did Niji get too cocky and will drop the month?
>Can the KING be beaten natty?
>Was the cure to baldness already invented?
This and more questions to be answered in the next episode of the Raspberry Quackery