>>90341722>>90342676>I deserve what I’m getting.You don't "deserve" what you're getting. This was your decision.
You're not some sort of helpless victim here. These are the consequences of your actions. You were given and offered ample help and you rejected it multiple times.
You're not some sort of born loser, you chose to be one. You chose to lose the battle with your mental illness. You chose to not stand up to your parents. You chose to have an unhealthy, harmful relationship with your viewers even when you had a perfectly functional one before. You chose to prostitute yourself over being a creative and entertaining person.
Nobody is coming after you. You're not being punished. You're the one doing all of this. Every single time, it was always you. Nobody cares about you. Not really. The high you're getting from the attention will wear off just like it always does and you'll be left empty again.
So please have the slightest shred of dignity and stop having pity for yourself already. You are healthy, employed and young. Nearly everyone you took advantage of is worse off than you. Please get some self-awareness.
I would also appreciate it if you got rid of your current design and all the other stuff that has ties to me. It's by far the worst design you've had (specially the live 2D) and it's not like money means a thing to you. While you're at it you should go and get rid of the Gumpai name too. It's not like you or your community care about who you are anyway.